Daily archives: July 30, 2019

SELECT > TP Rookie Ball Selects Top Weston 19-3

UNLEASHING A TAKE NO PRISONERS 30-HIT ASSAULT, TORONTO PLAYGROUNDS BURY THE WOLVERINES AT CHRISTIE PITS TO EARN THEIR SECOND EBA ROOKIE BALL SELECT LOOP VICTORY Beneath a picturesque canopy of warm and soothing summer skies, the Toronto Playgrounds Rookie Ball Selects defeated the Weston Wolverines 19-3 in 5 ½ innings […]

UPDATE: All TP House League Baseball Games & Practices on July 30 are Proceeding as Scheduled

AS OF 4:45 P.M., ALL TUESDAY GAMES AND PRACTICES ARE CURRENTLY PROCEEDING AS SCHEDULED As of 4:45 p.m., the Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee has announced that all scheduled House League games and practices on Tuesday, July 30 are currently proceeding as scheduled. If warranted, additional updates will be posted on our Hotline [416-392-1914; […]