
Photos from the 2019 Toronto Playgrounds Select Baseball Season.

Updated on September 10, 2021

Different Levels of Toronto Playgrounds Baseball for 2022


Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball is open to all interested players (until divisions fill up). Players join by registering and no tryouts are required.
  • Teams play once a week during the season and practice once every two weeks.
  • Evaluation sessions will take place for house league players prior to the start of May in order to make the house league teams as fair and balanced as possible (but again, nobody is cut!)
  • Season starts with practices during the first two weeks of May. Games start after Victoria Day.
  • Season ends in mid-September for Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam, and Varsity divisions.
  • Tee Ball and Rookie Ball Celebration Days occur late August.
  • The 2021 cost of our house league program was $225.00 for the Tee Ball and Rookie Ball divisions and $250.00 for the Mosquito and older divisions.
  • All House League teams are coached by volunteer coaches.


Toronto Playgrounds offers Select baseball in a number of age divisions. Our goal will be to offer at least one team in each of the age divisions involved in select baseball, but ultimately the number of teams offered will be decided upon by the TP Board of Directors based upon the level of interest in terms of players and coaches, available diamond time, and other relevant considerations. The Select program is at a “higher” skill level generally than House League, and is intended for players who enjoy house league but would like the chance to play more baseball over the season than just house league.
  • Players are required to “make” the Select team, so only those selected will be part of the team. Tryouts will take place each year, so being on a select team one year doesn’t guarantee a spot the following season or seasons.
  • Select players are required to participate fully in our House League (attend games and practices, act as positive role models for House League teammates). See “House League” above for an outline of House League game and practice expectations.
  • The Select season begins in early May and concludes with the playoff tournament in mid-August.
  • Teams that win their playoffs (or in some cases come second) will then play in the Provincial Championships on Labour Day weekend.
  • Select players will play one game per week in their select “loop” (in addition to their House League
  • game). Our TP teams play in the Toronto West Loop (a.k.a. Etobicoke Baseball Association [EBA]) against teams such as Annette, Bloordale, Martingrove, Royal York, Weston and York. The longest travel time to games is 45 minutes to an hour. The games are always scheduled for the same day of the week. Sometimes it’s a home game, sometimes an away game.
  • Select teams will also practice once a week (sometimes twice), and this is also in addition to their house league commitments.
  • Select teams usually play in two or three weekend tournaments throughout the season.
  • In a “regular” season the cost of our select program has ranged from $450.00 to $550.00 (depending on the number of tournaments). This fee is on top of the House League fee.
  • All Select teams are coached by volunteer coaches.


Toronto Playgrounds offers Rep baseball in a number of age divisions. Our goal will be to move towards offering the opportunity for rep baseball in each of the age divisions involved in rep baseball, but ultimately the number of teams offered will be decided upon by the TP Board of Directors based upon the level of interest in terms of players and coaches, available diamond time, and other relevant considerations. For 2022 we will be holding tryouts for the following TP Rep teams: 10U (born in 2012), 12U (born in 2010), 13U (born in 2009), 14U (born in 2008), and 18U (born in 2004 and 2005). Rep baseball is a “higher” skill level generally than Select baseball,
  • Players are required to “make” the Rep team, so only those chosen will be part of the team. Tryouts will take place each year, so being on a Rep team one year doesn’t guarantee a spot the following season or seasons.
  • At Toronto Playgrounds the Rep tryout process will traditionally take place in mid- to late September with practices into October. Practices/workouts will take place indoors during the late fall/winter and outdoors once weather and permits allow. Games will begin in early May.
  • Rep players are not required to participate in our House League, but are absolutely welcome to do so. They would usually “play up” in the next older House League division.
  • The Rep season begins in early May and concludes with the playoff tournament in mid-August. Teams that win their playoffs (or in some cases come second) will then play in the Provincial Championships on Labour Day weekend.
  • Rep players will usually play two games per week in their “loop”. Our TP teams play against teams throughout Toronto and in Durham, Peel and York Regions. There is more travel involved in Rep baseball, both because of the potential distance to a game and also the frequency of games.
  • Rep teams will usually practice twice a week.
  • Rep teams also play in a number of weekend tournaments throughout the season.
  • In a “regular” season, the cost of our Rep program is over $1000.00.
  • All Rep teams are coached by volunteer coaches.

If you have any questions concerning our TP Select program, please contact us at