There’s ONLY two days left before the start of the 2010 TP Tournament (a.k.a. ‘September Madness’)!
A slate of up to 47 scheduled games to be played within a ten day window! (Weather permitting, of course.) It’s the annual tradition that is the TP House League Baseball Tournament or what is fondly known as “September Madness” for the cornucopia of games that is served up a la carte for the baseball lover at heart starting September 7.
On the weekend, baseball games will start at the crack of dawn and continue non stop on three diamonds at Christie Pits until dusk. It’s a fantastic way to wrap up the baseball season for players, parents and coaches in our Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam and Midget Divisions.
Please click here to access a PDF copy of the 2010 TP House League Baseball Tournament Schedule that you can either view; save to your computer or print out.
And please note that the TP Baseball Website is your definitive source for ALL the SCORES, DIVISION STANDINGS, NEWS and PICTURES that you’ll need to keep on top of the 2010 TP Tournament.
Grab some crackerjack, hot dogs, pretzels, slurpies and lots and lots of coffee because you’re going to need it to survive the ride that is “September Madness”!