Hello Players and Parents
With only 35 days remaining before the 2011 TP House League Baseball Season begins, the TP Baseball Committee is relaying this communique to all of the members of the TP Baseball Family regarding what will be going on between now and the beginning of our regular season on May 24.
Some of this information is slightly revised from earlier updates, so we are releasing it to everyone who is registered in any of our divisions.
Here is what will be happening between now and May 24, our opening day:
- Uniform pick-up will be held the week of May 16. The exact dates and times will be sent to everyone by May 13 via email. Additionally, news and updates regarding uniform distribution will be posted on the website (www.torontoplaygrounds.ca) and Twitter @TPbaseballnews.
- The pre-season practice schedule will run from Saturday, May 7 to Thursday, May 19.
If you have players registered in out Tee Ball Division, you’ll be getting an e-mail or phone call the week of May 2 telling you the name of your team and your coach, along with the date and time of your first practice.
If you have players registered in Rookie Ball, Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam, and/or Midget, they will be asked to attend an evaluation session in late April/early May. The evaluation sessions are used to collect player data and will be used by the TP Baseball Committee to try to make the teams as competitively balanced as possible.
The evaluation sessions for the Rookie Ball, Mosquito and Peewee players will be held the weekend of April 30/May 1, not the weekend of April 23/April 24 as previously announced.
Parents and players in the Rookie Ball, Mosquito and Peewee divisions will be contacted by e-mail or phone by midnight on Wednesday, April 27 with the date, time, and location of the evaluation session that we would like your child(ren) to attend.
Players/parents in the Rookie Ball, Mosquito and Peewee divisions will then be getting an e-mail or phone call the week of May 2 telling you the name of your team and your coach, along with the date and time of your first practice.
The TP Baseball Committee is planning to hold the evaluation sessions for the Bantam and Midget players on the evenings of Monday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 3.
Parents and players in the Bantam and Midget divisions will be contacted by e-mail or phone by midnight on Friday, April 29 with the date, time, and location of the evaluation session that we would like your child(ren) to attend.
Players/parents in the Bantam and Midget divisions will then be getting an e-mail or phone call by midnight on Thursday, May 5 telling you the name of your team and your coach, along with the date and time of your first practice.
Please note that while divisions have set days for games and practices once our season begins after Victoria Day, during the pre-season period from May 8th until May 19th you may have a practice on a day other than the standard day for your division. We do this because we’d like to get each team two or possibly three practices before the season begins.
Finally, if you indicated on your form that you’d like to help with coaching, you’ll be contacted by the end of the up-coming Easter weekend with information regarding some coaches’ meetings we’ll be holding over the next few weeks. If you didn’t sign up to help coach on the form but have now realized you’d like to, please let us know by return e-mail at tpbaseball@gmail.com.
Also, if you have any further questions about the TP Baseball Program, please email us and we’ll answer your queries ASAP.
Thanks for joining us for the 2011 TP Baseball Season.
Steve Smith
Coordinator, Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball