Spring Training On The Horizon For Our House League Baseball Divisions


With opening day only 50 days away, the TP Baseball Committee has issued an update regarding our preparations for the upcoming 2012 Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball season.

Our regular season begins the week of Victoria Day, which this year is Monday, May 21. We do not play on Victoria Day itself, so Tuesday, May 22 will be our Opening Day.

For our Tee Ball Division, the pre-season practices will begin the week of Monday, May 7. You will be contacted the week of Monday, April 30 with the name of your child’s team and coach, and the date and time of your first practice. All practices and games will take place at the “Tee Ball Diamond”, which is the north diamond in Bickford Park which is located between Bloor St., Harbord St., Grace St., and Montrose Ave. We will be scheduling two pre-season practices for each tee ball team. Please note that during the pre-season, and only during the pre-season, practices will be scheduled each night of the week so that we can get each coach two practice times.

For our Rookie Ball, Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam, and Midget divisions, pre-season practices will also begin the week of Monday, May 7. We will be holding evaluation sessions for players in all of these divisions prior to making the teams. The evaluation sessions provide us with an opportunity to see all the players (or as many as possible) so that we can make our houseleague teams as balanced as possible. We will still move players early in the season if we have balance issues, but by holding the evaluations we can hopefully keep these moves to a minimum.

The evaluation sessions for the Rookie Ball, Mosquito, and Peewee players will take place during the weekend of April 28-29. We are planning on holding sessions on both Saturday and Sunday (players only attend one session) so that we will have more chance of seeing all the players. We will be informing you of the times and locations of the evaluation sessions by Monday, April 16. You will then be contacted later in the week of Monday, April 30 with the name of your child’s team and coach, and the date and time of your first practice. We will be scheduling two pre-season practices for each team. Please note that during the pre-season, and only during the pre-season, practices will be scheduled each night of the week so that we can get each coach two practice times.

We are planning to hold the evaluation sessions for the Bantam and Midget players during the weekend of May 5-6. We are planning on holding sessions on both Saturday and Sunday (players only attend one session) so that we will have more chance of seeing all the players. We will be informing you of the times and locations of the evaluation sessions by Monday, April 23. Players will then be contacted early in the week of Monday, May 7 with the name of their team and coach, and the date and time of their first practice.

Finally, if you indicated on your child’s registration form that you’re interested in volunteering as a coach, the TP Baseball Committee would like to thank you very much. We couldn’t have the wonderful league that we do without the commitment of and support from our volunteer coaches. We will be contacting interested coaches by the middle of next week (April 12 or 13) with a schedule for some meetings and (hopefully) mock practice sessions in the gym. I’d like to hold three or four sessions over the last half of April (we’re not expecting you to attend all of them) in order to answer as many of your questions and make you as comfortable in your coaching role as possible. This will definitely help get us as ready as possible for the beginning of May!

We hope this information gives parents and players a clear understanding of what you can expect to happen between now and Victoria Day as we prepare for the 2012 season. Once the Regular Season Schedules are finalized, they will be made available during the pre-season practice weeks.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at tpbaseball@gmail.com .