It’s a sign of the times
And I know that I won’t have to wait much longer – Petula Clark*
It’s time to beat the rush and sign up for a great season of TP House League Baseball.
In a move to make the registration process even more convenient, the Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee has made in-person registration times available for people who would like to pay cash or who would like to discuss a payment arrangement regarding the house league fee for the upcoming 2013 season.
The in-person registrations will take place outside the gym facilities at the Bickford Centre (777 Bloor Street West) on the following days and times:
- MONDAYS > 6:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
- WEDNESDAYS > 5:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
- SATURDAYS > 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Please note that in person registration dates and times are subject to change. Please check for updates via our website or Twitter feed.)
Registrants can also pay the full fee by cheque at these times if you’d like (Kindly make cheques payable to LIZZIES BASEBALL).
If you are dropping off your registration form at the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre (485 Montrose Avenue), please do not leave cash. City of Toronto staff are not permitted to handle cash for our organization. Also, please don’t ask the staff at the Bob Abate CRC any questions related to our house league baseball program. They are not involved in the operation of our league and will not be able to give you answers. Please direct any questions to tpbaseball@gmail.com and we will respond as expeditiously as possible.
The 2013 TP House League Baseball Registration Fees and Schedules are as follows for our six age divisions:
TEE BALL (2006-2009) > $110.00
- This will be an eight-team division; each team will play a game once a week either on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
- Game times are as follows: one game at 5:30 pm on Tuesday.; one game at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.; one game at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.; one game at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday.
- Games will take place at the north diamond in Bickford Park.
- Spring training commences in early May.
- The Tee Ball Division regular season begins on Tuesday, May 21. The regular season ends around the third weekend in August with our Tee Ball Celebration Day events.
ROOKIE BALL (2004-2005) > $110.00
- This will be a six-team division; each team will play a game once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place at Christie Pits on Wednesdays as follows: There will be two games at 5:45 p.m., one at Christie Pits Diamond # 3 and one at Christie Pits Diamond # 2. There will be one game at 7:00 p.m. at Christie Pits Diamond #3.
- Player evaluations will take place on a weekend in late April or early May.
- Spring Training commences in early May.
- Regular Season Practices will take place at the Bickford Park South diamond on Mondays between 5:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Three teams will practice each week.
- The Rookie Ball Division regular season begins on Wednesday, May 22. The regular season usually ends around the third weekend in August with our Rookie Ball Celebration Day events.
MOSQUITO (2002-2003) > $135.00
- This will be a six-team division; teams play once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place on Thursdays at 5:45 p.m.: one game at Christie Pits diamond #2, one game at Christie Pits diamond #3, and one game at the Bickford Park South diamond.
- Regular Season Practices will take place at the Bickford Park South diamond on Mondays between 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Three teams will practice each week.
- Player evaluations will take place on a weekend in late April or early May.
- Spring Training begins in early May.
- The Mosquito Division regular season begins on Thursday, May 23. The season ends around the second weekend in September with our annual TP Baseball Tournament to close out the season.
PEEWEE (2000-2001) > $135.00
- This will be a six-team division (depending on player registration numbers); teams play a game once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place on Mondays. There will be two games at 5:45 p.m. (one at diamond #2 and one at diamond #3), and there will be one game at 7:45 p.m. at diamond #2.
- Regular Season Practices will take place at Christie Pits on Thursdays as follows: two teams will practice from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and a third team will practice from 7:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
- Player evaluations will take place on a weekend in late April or early May.
- Spring Training commences in early May.
- The Peewee Division regular season begins on Monday, May 27. The season ends around the second weekend in September with our annual TP Baseball Tournament to close out the season.
BANTAM (1998-1999) > $135.00 and MIDGET (1995-1997) > $135.00
- These will both be four-team divisions (depending upon player registration numbers), with two double-headers each week.
- There will always be a double-header on Mondays (Bantam 6:00 pm and Midget 8:00 pm), and as many weeks as possible the second double-header will be on Wednesdays (Bantam 6:00 pm and Midget 8:00 pm). However, there will be some weeks that the second double-header will be on Saturday (Bantam 11:00 am and Midget 1:00 pm). All of the specific game dates and times will be indicated on the schedule that will be distributed by mid-May.
- Player evaluations will take place in late April or early May.
- Spring training commences in early May.
- Bantam and Midget regular season practice times will be announced closer to the start of the season.
As an extra incentive to encourage parents and players to register early for the upcoming 2013 season, the TP Baseball Committee is offering an Early-Bird Fee Reduction of $10.00 per player for those who submit a completed registration form with payment (please make cheques payable to “Lizzies Baseball“) by February 28, 2013.
Parents and Players are advised that the house league registration fee covers the cost of a trophy, picture (individual & team) and a uniform (cap, jersey and pants).
REFUND POLICY: Parents and Players are advised that NO refunds will be issued after June 30, 2013. Prior to June 30, the amount of the refund will be the registration fee paid minus $15.00 for each week that has passed since May 1, 2013.
Please also note that any players intersted in participating in our Select Team program (please check our website SELECT page for more details) will be charged additional fees on top of the house league registration fee.
Please click on the following link to access a printable PDF copy of the 2013 registration form:
2013 Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball Registration Form
Completed registration forms and payments (please make cheques payable to “LIZZIES BASEBALL” can also be dropped off or mailed to the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre.
The address is:
TP Baseball c/o Bob Abate CRC, 485 Montrose Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6G 3H2
We look forward to seeing you down on the field of dreams down at Christie Pits and Bickford Park this season.
(* For those people who are interested, you can click on the following link to access a wonderful YouTube video of Petula Clark singing “A Sign Of The Times”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z56qVA4LjOo )