In a postgame ritual, the TP Mosquito Selects and York Riverdogs congratulate each other on a good game at Christie Pits Diamons 2 on May 26, 2013.
With another baseball season on the horizon, the Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee has finalized its TP Select Team Indoor Practice Schedule for Saturday, April 5 at Harbord Collegiate Institute.
We will be using the large gym at Harbord Collegiate (286 Harbord Street) for our Saturday Select Team practices until the weather permits us to shift the practice sessions outdoors.
Here is the TP Select Team Practice Schedule for Saturday, April 5:
- 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. > Rookie Ball Select (2005-2006)
- 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. > Minor Peewee Select (2002)
- 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. > Mosquito Select (2003-2004)
- No practice scheduled for the Major Peewee Select (2001) Team this week.
Harbord Collegiate Institute is located on the north side of Harbord Street between Euclid Avenue and Manning Avenue. To enter the school, people must use Door # 5, which is located at the northeast corner of the school off Euclid Ave. Once you go in that door follow the signs to the gym. Caretakers have told the Committee that there will be parking available in the underground school lot. The entrance to the lot is off Euclid Ave. just north of door # 5.
Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball is looking at being involved in the West Toronto Select Loop for the 2014 season. This loop involves teams from Etobicoke, Weston, York, etc. We are planning to field teams in the Rookie Ball (players born in 2005 and 2006), Mosquito (players born in 2003 and 2004), Peewee (players born in 2001 and 2002), Bantam (players born in 1999 and 2000), and Midget (1996-1998) divisions. Teams will require at least 15 interested and committed players, two or three interested and committed coaches, and at least one parent willing to serve in a manager’s capacity.
There are set nights for select games in each division, and we will be informing you of those as soon as we have confirmed them with the loop organizers.
The Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Select program is an extension of the house league program. Playing Select gives players the opportunity to play more baseball at a higher skill level without having to make the larger time and financial commitment that is involved with “Rep” baseball. The select team is similar to a “house league all star team.”
Parents and Players are also advised that Select players must also participate regularly and appropriately in our house league program. When playing house league games, the players will be expected to wear their house league uniforms, just as they will be expected to wear their select uniforms when playing their select games.
Players who make the Select teams, but who then do not take part in our house league games, will forfeit their spots. There will be no exceptions.
If you have any questions, please contact us at tpbaseball@gmail.com.