TP House League Baseball Tournament Team Lunch Schedule


September 8, 2013 Sunday Madness2The TP Baseball Committee has issued a Team Lunch Schedule for its end of season tournament barbecue event on Saturday, September 6.

All players and coaches from our teams in the Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam and Midget divisions will be receiving a free lunch consisting of a hot dog or veggie dog; bag of chips and a drink at the event.

Food and drinks will be on sale to family members, friends, and others beginning at 11:15 a.m. and going until 3:15 p.m.

The Committee is asking that one or two coaches/parents from each team come to the TP Baseball BBQ Zone and place the team order in terms of how many meat hot dogs and how many veggie hot dogs are needed. If all of the players and family members descend upon the BBQ Zone, it would be  much to chaotic for our volunteers manning the grill to handle. Those one or two people will be given trays to take back to the team containing the hot dogs, juice boxes and chips. So coaches, once you’ve gathered your team off the diamond, you can get a count of how many of each type of hot dog you need and forward that information to the BBQ Zone.

The following is the list of teams that will be receiving their lunches after their first game, along with the time for their lunch:
  • 11:00 a.m. > Cardinals; Dodgers; Giants; Mosquito Lizzies; Mets and Pirates
  • 12:45 p.m. > Expos and White Sox
  • 1:00 p.m. > Cubs and Reds
  • 1:30 p.m. > Jays and Orioles
  • 3:00 p.m. > Homesteads and Midget Lizzies

The following is the list of teams that will be receiving their lunches before their first game, along with the time for their lunch:

  • 12:30 p.m. > Peewee Lizzies* and Royals*
  • 2:15 p.m. > A’s*

* The teams who are getting their lunches before their games should meet their coaches beside the big tree on the hill beside Diamond 3 at the time indicated above.

The Committee sends out a big thank you to all the parents who have already volunteered to help out at the TP Baseball BBQ Zone. We will also be selling food, snacks and drinks on Sunday (September 7) as well from 11:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. So, if you can’t help out tomorrow, there will still be an opportunity to do so on Sunday. Please let us know if you’re available at