Our dedicated TP Select Coaches from our Rookie Ball, Mosquito and Peewee age classifications hold a meeting with members of the Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee at the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre to discuss logistics and planning for the upcoming 2016 Select season.
The Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball Committee has released an update to inform all parents and players that the outdoor TP Select Team workout/practice sessions have concluded and will not be taking place anymore this year. Thus, there are none scheduled for this weekend.
We’d like to thank all of you for coming out and participating so wonderfully, and we’d especially like to thank the coaches who put so much time and effort into running the outdoor sessions.
Looking ahead, there will be formal TP Select Team tryouts starting in January…they will take place on Saturdays in the indoor gym located at Harbord Collegiate Institute [286 Harbord Street], which is located on Harbord Street between Manning Ave. and Euclid Avenue. The schedule of times for each divisional tryout session will be posted on the website and sent to everyone over the next few weeks.
There may also possibly be some indoor sessions in the gym at the Bob Abate Community Recreation Centre [485 Montrose Avenue] between now and the middle of December. A decision will be made shortly after more discussion with the coaches, and this decision will be relayed to all of you as soon as possible.
Now, during the outdoor workouts/practices that have been taking place over the last number of weeks, some of you have made it clear to us that you and your child are not seriously considering trying out for Select, but you have welcomed the opportunity to come out to Christie Pits and play more baseball! That’s fine and we understand that…it’s great that we have so many keen players in our Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball family.
From this point on, however, we’re asking that your child only continue to attend these Select sessions if they’re keen and interested in trying out for a Select team. This request is made primarily in order to be fair to the coaches….there will be a lot of kids coming out to the tryouts and the coaches will want to have a chance to see all of them, so having only interested players there will be very helpful.
With respect to that, the Committee is going to be preparing and sending out a Doodle poll early next week to all of you. Please only participate in the poll if you are interested in your child trying out for Select. The poll will ask for the player’s name, the division they’ll be in next season, whether they’ve been out to any of the outdoor sessions, and whether they played Select for Toronto Playgrounds last season. If you are interested in your child trying out for select for 2016 please take a few moments to complete the poll when you receive it.
If you have any questions, please contact us at tpbaseball@gmail.com.