The Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Association will be fielding ‘Rep’ teams at all ages for the 2011 season.
As a TP Baseball House League player/parent, you are invited to consider trying out for a “rep” team in your age category. You should consider this option if you wish to spend more time playing baseball and playing in a more competitive setting.The “rep” program is operated by volunteers and is completely self supporting. Thus, it requires a registration fee. Our 2011 fee will be posted shortly. Players will not be refused for financial reasons.
All rep parents will be expected to see that their child attends all practices and games and volunteer in some meaningful capacity on an ongoing basis. Time requirements will include 3 to 4 games and/or practices per week once the outdoor game/practice season starts. Some teams will practice indoors once/or more per week during the winter. Team selections will be made based on the attitude and commitment of players and parents as well as player skill.
This is not just an opportunity for boys. Girls and women are also welcome to try out too. In addition, there is an all girls opportunity in three age categories – 13 and under, 16 and under and 17 and older.
Fall Tryouts and workouts for the 2011 TP Rep teams will commence in early September. Contact information for each team will be posted shortly.
If you would like some more general information or have any questions concerning the ‘Rep’ Program, please contact Mitch Bernard at .