Would You Like To Participate In Competitive Baseball?


As a TP – Christie Pits or Annette baseball house league player/parent, you are invited to consider trying out for a “Rep” team in your age category.

You should consider this option if you wish to spend more time playing baseball and playing in a more competitive setting and developing your baseball thinking and playing skills beyond the house league and “select” levels. The social aspect is also great.

The “Rep” program is operated by NCCP qualified and experienced coaches and volunteers who use state of the art training exercises to maximize a balance of fun and skill development.

The TP “Rep” program begins with tryouts in mid to late September and continue until a team is chosen. Everyone is welcome to try out. Players will be chosen based on attitude, behaviour, parental committment, ability and potential for improvement.

 Time requirements will include 3 to 4 games and/or practices per week (on average) once the outdoor game/practice season starts in late April or early May. This compares to 1-2 games/practices per week for house league teams and 3-4 games/practices for “select” teams whose players continue to play house league.

“Rep” players may continue to play house league, but must make “rep” the priority. Additionally, “Rep” teams also participate in 3-4 tournaments. Some teams will practice indoors once per week or so during the winter. All “Rep” parents will be expected to see that their child attends all practices and games and volunteer in some meaningful capacity on an ongoing basis.

This is not just an opportunity for boys. Girls are also welcome to try out too.

The “Rep” program is completely self supporting. Thus, it requires a registration fee that will be in the approximate range of $550 – $650. Players will not be refused for financial reasons.

Here are some of the “Rep” tryout dates that have been finalized so far:

Peewee (born 1999-2000)
  • Saturday, September 17:  10:00 a.m. at Christie Pits Diamond # 2
Major Mosquito (born 2001)
  • Sunday, September 18: 11:15 a.m. at Ravina Park
  • Friday, September 23: 6:30 p.m. at Christie Pits
Minor Mosquito (born 2002-3)
  •  Sunday, September 18: 11:15 a.m. at Ravina Park
  •  Friday, September 23: 6:30 p.m. at Christie Pits
Please check back for further tryout updates for other age classifications.
For more general information about the Rep program or for those potentially interested in coaching, contact Mitch Bernard at mitchellbernard@sympatico.ca

Please use the contact information listed below for additional info:

Birth Year Contact Person Phone Email
2002 Richard Helfrich 416-766-3939 richard.helfrich@sympatico.ca
2001 John Morgan 647-764-7469 john.morgan@tdsb.org
1999-2000 Mitchel Bernard   mitchellbernard@sympatico.ca
1995-1996 Jamie Radner   james.radner@utoronto.ca
Girls Viti Salemi 416-766-3939 president@cogbl.com