DAY 6 > September Madness Shines On


Having weathered the brunt of the yesterday’s rainstorm, the 2012 Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball Tournament (a.k.a. ‘September Madness’) continues today with fifteen more games.

With a fortunate break in the weather on Saturday, we were able to complete ten of our scheduled games on Day 5 of the tournament.

This is also a reminder that in addition to the tournament games, that we will be holding our BBQ today from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., as all players and coaches will receive a free lunch consisting of a hot dog (veggie or meat), a juice box, and a bag of chips. Hot dogs and drinks will also be on sale for members of the public.

Here is the revised Team Lunch Schedule for Sunday:

The lunch schedule for tomorrow is as follows:

  • 11:00 am: Dodgers, Cubs, Pirates, Giants
  • 11:30 am: Monarchs, Midget Lizzies
  • 12:15 pm: White Sox, Expos
  • 12:30 pm: Jays, Peewee Lizzies
  • 12:45 pm: Mosquito Lizzies, Cardinals
  • 1:00 pm: Orioles, Royals
  • 2:00 pm: A’s, Bantam Lizzies, Homesteads, Crawfords

The annual tournament to wrap up the season is baseball lover’s delight with a cornucopia of games from four age divisions being played over four diamonds at Christie Pits and Bickford Park.

You can keep track of all the scores, standings and game accounts every evening of the tournament via the website and Twitter.

Final scores will be uploaded to twitter feed (@TPbaseballnews) as they come in.

Updated standings, scores and other news will be posted on the website nightly.

And on the busy weekend of the tourney when 28 games are scheduled to be played, parents and players can keep tabs on the tournament by visiting the TP Tournament Scoreboard located behind Diamonds 3 for the latest updated scores and standings.

In the event of uncertain weather, please call our TP Hotline (416-392-1914, Press 4), or check our Twitter feed (@TPbaseballnews) and our website for the latest updates pertaining to your tournament game.

Only 23 games remaining! Come on down to the ballpark and experience the sights and sounds that is “September Madness”.