The Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee has announced that as of this afternoon, ALL available roster openings in our Tee Ball Division (2006-2009) age group have been filled.
Anyone still interested in our Tee Ball baseball program may submit an application (without payment) and be placed on a numerical waiting list in the event that a roster opening becomes available.
To address overwhelming popular demand, the Committee has decided to expand and add two more teams to our Mosquito Division (2002-2003) age classification. Interested applicants are asked to submit a registration with payment ASAP as roster spaces are limited.
With only 22 days left before Opening Day, that means that the roster spots that we have available for the 2013 season are diminishing in a number of our other age categories:
- TEE BALL (2006-2009) > As of April 29, all available roster spots in our popular Tee Ball program have been filled. If you are still interested in our Tee Ball program, you may submit an application form (without payment) and be placed on a numerical waiting list in the event that a roster opening becomes available.
- ROOKIE BALL (2004-2005) > As of April 20, TP Baseball has decided to expand by two teams in this age category to meet popular demand. Please submit registration form with payment ASAP as roster spots are limited.
- MOSQUITO (2002-2003) > As of April 28, TP Baseball has decided to expand by two teams in this age category to meet popular demand. Please submit registration form with payment ASAP as roster spots are limited.
- PEEWEE (2000-2001) > We still have a few roster spots available in this renowned age group. However, please do not dawdle too long in making a decision about signing up for the 2013 season as available roster spots are disappearing lickety splick.
The 2013 TP House League Baseball Registration Fees and Schedules are as follows for our six age divisions:
TEE BALL (2006-2009) > $110.00
As of April 29, ALL available Tee Ball roster openings have been filled. If you are still interested in our popular Tee Ball program, you may submit an application (without payment) and be placed on a numerical waiting list in the event that an opening becomes available.
- This will be a ten-team division with games played on Tuesday and Thursday during the regular season.
- Each team will play a game once a week based upon a rotational schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the course of the season.
- Game times are as follows: two games at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.; one game at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.; one game at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.; one game at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday. Each team’s regular season games will rotate between these five time periods.
- Regular season practices will consist of a 10 minute warm up/practice prior to each game.
- Games will take place at the north and south diamond in Bickford Park.
- Spring training commences on May 4. (Pre season practice schedule will be posted by May 3.)
- The Tee Ball Division regular season begins on Tuesday, May 21. The regular season ends around the third weekend in August with our Tee Ball Celebration Day events.
ROOKIE BALL (2004-2005) > $110.00
As of April 20, we have expanded by two teams in this age category to meet popular demand. Please submit registration form with payment ASAP as roster spots are very limited.
- There will be two four-team Rookie Ball divisions; each team will play a game once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place at Christie Pits Diamond # 3. One four-team division will play on Mondays and the other four-team division will play on Wednesdays. There will be a game at 5:45 p.m. and another at 7:00 p.m. on those respective days.
- Player evaluations will take place on April 27 and 28 at Christie Pits Diamonds 2 & 3. (Schedule has been posted.)
- Spring Training commences on May 4. (Pre season practice schedule will be posted by May 3.)
- Regular Season Practices will take place at the Bickford Park South diamond on Mondays and Wednesdays between 5:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. The four teams that play their games on Mondays will have a practice every two weeks on Wednesdays. And, the four teams that play their games on Wednesdays will have a practice every two weeks on Mondays.
- The Rookie Ball Division regular season begins on Wednesday, May 22. The regular season usually ends around the third weekend in August with our Rookie Ball Celebration Day events.
MOSQUITO (2002-2003) > $135.00
As of April 28, we have expanded by two teams in this age category to meet popular demand. Please submit registration form with payment ASAP as roster spots are very limited.
- This will be a eight-team division; teams play once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place on Thursdays: two games at Christie Pits Diamond #2 (first game at 5:45 p.m. and a second game at 7:45 p.m.); one game at Christie Pits Diamond #3 at 5:45 p.m.; and one game at the Bickford Park South Diamond at 5:45 p.m.
- Regular Season Practices will take place at the Bickford Park South diamond on Mondays between 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Three teams will practice each week.
- Player evaluations will take place on April 27 & 28 at Christie Pits Diamonds 2 & 3. (Schedule has been posted.)
- Spring Training begins in early May. (Pre season practice schedule will be posted by May 3.)
- The Mosquito Division regular season begins on Thursday, May 23. The season ends around the second weekend in September with our annual TP Baseball Tournament to close out the season.
PEEWEE (2000-2001) > $135.00
UPDATE > Only a few Peewee roster spots still available; register with payment ASAP to secure a spot.
- This will be a four-team division (depending on player registration numbers); teams play a game once a week and practice every second week.
- Games will take place on Mondays. There will be two games at Christie Pits Diamond 2 (first game at 5:45 p.m. and a second game at 7:45 p.m.)
- Regular Season Practices will take place at Christie Pits on Thursdays as follows: two teams will practice from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and a third team will practice from 7:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
- Player evaluations will take place on April 27 & 28 at Christie Pits Diamonds 2 & 3. (Schedule has been posted.)
- Spring Training commences on May 4. (Pre season practice schedule will be posted by May 3.)
- The Peewee Division regular season begins on Monday, May 27. The season ends around the second weekend in September with our annual TP Baseball Tournament to close out the season.
BANTAM (1998-1999) > $135.00 and MIDGET (1995-1997) > $135.00
- These will both be four-team divisions (depending upon player registration numbers), with two double-headers each week.
- There will always be a double-header on Mondays (Bantam 6:00 pm and Midget 8:00 pm), and as many weeks as possible the second double-header will be on Wednesdays (Bantam 6:00 pm and Midget 8:00 pm). However, there will be some weeks that the second double-header will be on Saturday (Bantam 11:00 am and Midget 1:00 pm). All of the specific game dates and times will be indicated on the schedule that will be distributed by mid-May.
- Player evaluations will take place at a time still to be determined in May.
- Spring training will commence at a date and time still to be determined.
- Bantam and Midget regular season practice times will be announced closer to the start of the season.
Parents and Players are advised that the house league registration fee covers the cost of a trophy, picture (individual & team) and a uniform (cap, jersey and pants).
REFUND POLICY: Parents and Players are advised that NO refunds will be issued after June 30, 2013. Prior to June 30, the amount of the refund will be the registration fee paid minus $15.00 for each week that has passed since May 1, 2013.
Please also note that any players intersted in participating in our Select Team program (please check our website SELECT page for more details) will be charged additional fees on top of the house league registration fee.
Please click on the following link to access a printable PDF copy of the 2013 registration form:
2013 Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball Registration Form
Completed registration forms with payment (either cheque or cash) can be dropped off in our secure TP Baseball Mailbox located at the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre (485 Montrose Avenue). The recreation centre will be open Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Saturday 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Closed on Sundays and Statutory Holidays.
If you are dropping off your registration form at the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre, please don’t ask the City of Toronto staff at the Bob Abate CRC any questions related to our house league baseball program. They are not involved in the operation of our league and will not be able to give you answers. Please direct any questions to and we will respond as expeditiously as possible.
Additionally, completed registration forms and payments can also be mailed to the Bob Abate Community and Recreation Centre.
The address is: TP Baseball c/o Bob Abate CRC, 485 Montrose Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6G 3H2
Please note that effective immediately, the TP Baseball Committee will not be scheduling any additional In Person Registration sessions.
We look forward to seeing you down on the field of dreams down at Christie Pits and Bickford Park this season.