Photos from the 2014 TP Baseball Derby For Distance fundraising event at Christie Pits on October 5, 2014.
Beneath a layer of cool autumn skies today at Christie Pits, the TP Baseball Committee staged its third annual Derby For Distance fundraising event.
Over the course of six plus hours, batters (varying in age from six to sixty-five) stepped into the batter’s box on two diamonds to take their best swings at baseballs being fired out of a pitching machine at speeds ranging from 40 to 80 miles per hour.
Amidst a festive carnival like atmosphere, some great prizes from our sponsors were given away to our participants.
Here is a list of our 2014 Derby For Distance prize winners:
- Lachlan Maude
- Charlie Larsen
- Spencer Meritt
- Soloman Gorenstein
- Piper Katzman
- Adam Kent
- Jacob
- Sam Kelly
- Jamie Nguyen-Lam
- Reagan Maude
- Gordon
- Anna (score of 370)
- Peter Roy (score of 410)
- Tim (score of 390)
- Rob Ball (Score of 380)
If you haven’t claimed your prize yet, please contact Bill Evans at wianevans@gmail.com to do so.
Additionally, attendees and volunteers were treated to some delicious hot dogs, veggie dogs, chips, cookies and drinks at our TP Baseball Barbecue Zone.
It was the consensus at the end of the day that a splendid time was had by all in attendance at the Derby.
And our primary goal was achieved: to have fun while raising funds for new equipment, benefitting the children who play in our TP House League and Select Baseball operations in future seasons. In fact, over $1700 was raised. Thanks to everyone for stepping up to the plate at our Derby event in support of TP Baseball.
The TP Baseball Committee sincerely thanks all the people who stepped up and volunteered their valuable time and energy to help us to stage the Derby. Whether it was fielding balls, feeding the pitching machine, keeping tabulation of the points, helping out at the registration and raffle table, setting up tables and equipment, grilling at the barbecue, etc., your contributions made the Derby For Distance fundraiser a fun filled and successful event for everyone involved.
And finally, the Committee wishes to thank Bill Evans and Reagan Maude for organizing the third Derby For Distance fundraising event. Without their tireless energy and logistical acumen, today’s Derby wouldn’t have been the rip roarin’ success that it was.
In closing, here is a special message from TP Baseball President Bill Evans:
Dear TP Baseball Friends and Families
I wanted to write to thank you for all of your help today and for coming out to support Toronto Playgrounds House League Baseball. Our third Derby for Distance raised over $1,700 and we had a lot of fun, while hitting some baseballs in October! I think we have established a wonderful end of season event for our baseball community.
We couldn’t host these events without the generous help from all of you who volunteered your Sunday to shag balls, score, set -up, tear-town, BBQ, take photos, and of course hit baseballs!
Most importantly though, it was great to get together and a joy to see the hitters have so much fun and improve with every pitch.
We had another fantastic season at Christie Pits. Stay tuned for some announcements on our upcoming 2014 TP House League & Select Baseball Annual General Membership Meeting later in the fall and the Toronto Blue Jays Coaches Clinic in January.
Enjoy the World Series and see you on the diamond.
Best regards,
Bill Evans