Clockwise from top left: In a postgame tradition, the Tigers, Cranes, Ravens, Leopards, Cheetahs and Eagles celebrate a great Tee Ball Division game.
The Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee wishes to remind Parents and Players that Saturday, August 22 is Tee Ball Celebration Day!!! This is the final day of our Tee Ball season, and we’re hoping that everyone will be able to join us for the fun!
All players and coaches will receive a free lunch consisting of a hot dog (meat or veggie) from the TP BBQ Zone, a bag of chips, and a juice box. Hot dogs and drinks will also be for sale to friends and family members. Players will also receive their trophy and photo (if they haven’t already received it) after their game.
All Tee Ball Parents and Players are advised that there is a revised schedule for the games on Celebration Day…please check this new schedule carefully as there have been changes made from the original schedule sent out as part of the regular season schedule. Most of the changes are slight in that some teams will be playing one hour later than originally scheduled.
Here is the revised Tee Ball Celebration Day Schedule for Saturday, August 22:
- Eggleton South Diamond > Chickadees at Pelicans
- Eggleton North Diamond > Hawks at Herons
- Bickford South Diamond > Falcons at Loons
10:00 a.m.
- Eggleton South Diamond > Ocelots at Pumas
- Eggleton North Diamond > Leopards at Cougars
- Bickford South Diamond > Ravens at Owls
- Eggleton South Diamond > Lions at Bobcats
- Eggleton North Diamond > Cheetahs at Wildcats
- Bickford South Diamond > Puffins at Condors
12:00 noon
- Eggleton South Diamond > Lynx at Jaguars
- Eggleton North Diamond > Cranes at Eagles
- Bickford South Diamond > Panthers at Tigers
We’re also posting the link to a doodle poll we’ve set up to try to determine how many of our fantastic tee ball players will be attending the Tee Ball Celebration Day so that we can finalize our food order with Fiesta Farms for the barbecue. The poll will ask you to indicate your child’s name, whether they will be attending on August 22nd, and whether you’d like a meat or veggie dog for them. It will also ask you to indicate if there will be friends and/or family attending who will also like hot dogs and whether they will want veggie or meat. If there are some who would like meat and some who would like veggie, you can choose both. When you get to the poll page, please click on the “Show All 9 Options” button.
Please click on the following link to access the poll:
Please respond to this poll by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday August 11th so we can arrange the food purchase.
The Committee will be sending out a schedule of the times that teams will receive their free lunches early in the week of August 17th. The plan is for coaches (or helpful parents) to place team orders with the BBQ staff and then the team can eat together. Most teams will eat following their games…the teams playing at noon will be scheduled to receive their lunches before their game.
We also need volunteers to help us with preparing the food and delivering the orders, so if you’d like to help out (when your team isn’t playing of course) then let us know by return e-mail at