Simon (10) of the TP Major Mosquito Selects makes contact during an EBA Mosquito Select regular season game against the Martingrove White Sox at Christie Pits Diamond 3 on May 22, 2017.
UPDATED on January 18, 2018
The Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Committee has announced that the first session of indoor tryouts for our respective 2018 Toronto Playgrounds Baseball Select Teams will start on Saturday, January 20 (except for the Bantam Select tryouts, which will start on Saturday, January 27). The tryouts will take place in the double gym at Harbord Collegiate Institute, which is located at 286 Harbord Street between Manning and Euclid Avenues.
To enter the school people must use Door # 5, which is located at the northeast corner of the school off Euclid Avenue. Once you go in that door follow the signs to the gym. Parking is available in the underground school lot as well as on the street. Do not park on school property other than the underground lot. The entrance to the lot is off Euclid Ave. just north of door # 5.
Here is the January 20 schedule for the first session of TP Select Team Tryouts:
- 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. > Players born in 2007
- 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon > Players born in 2009 and 2010
- 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. > Players born in 2008
- 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. > Players born in 2005 and 2006
- 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. > Players born in 2000, 2001, and 2002
In order to participate in the Select tryouts on January 20 (or any day after that), players will have to hand in a waiver signed by a parent/guardian. Please print off and sign the waiver and bring it to the tryouts on Saturday, January 20. We will have some blank ones on hand but the more people who bring them signed the faster the check in process will be for everyone. Please click on the following link to access a printable PDF copy of the waiver form: 2018 TP SELECT TRYOUT WAIVER AND CONSENT FORM
Please note, as this is very important….information and schedules regarding all Select tryouts after Saturday January 20 will be posted on our website ( on the Select Page….the information will NOT be sent out as a general email. So, if you are interested in trying out for Select, please make sure to check the website or Twitter feed (@TPbaseballnews) by Tuesday of each week to see the Select tryout schedule for that Saturday. We will be moving the times of some of the tryouts around a bit every few weeks to give as many people as possible the chance to make it out to some of them.
Here is the link to the Select Information Sheet: 2018 TP Select Program Information Sheet. If you still have questions regarding the Select Program and the tryout process after reading the information sheet, please email us at
In addition, information regarding registration for the upcoming 2018 TP Houseleague Baseball Season will be emailed to those on our mailing list and posted on the website/Twitter feed sometime next week.